1. Foreword

This document is Serve the City’s programme, in writing, for safeguarding Safety, Health and Welfare in all its work areas. It represents Serve the City’s commitment to Safety, Health and Welfare and specifies the manner, the organization and the resources necessary for maintaining and reviewing safety, health and welfare standards.

Serve the City will comply with the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2006, The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007 (S.I. No. 299 of 2007) and any other relevant legislation to ensure in so far as reasonably practicable the safety, health and welfare of all volunteers or staff/volunteers whilst at work.

This Statement has been prepared in compliance with Section 20 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, 2005.

It shall be based on an identification of the hazards and an assessment of the risks to safety and health at the place of work to which it relates.

It shall be brought to the attention of Staff/Volunteers working on behalf of this organization and to any other persons at the place of work who may be affected by the safety statement. It will also emphasize that persons working on behalf of Serve the City bear responsibility for their own Safety, Health and Welfare and that of the general public.

Everyone working on behalf or with Serve The City will;

  • protect their own safety and health, as well as the safety and health of anyone who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work;
  • ensure that they are not under the influence of any intoxicant to the extent that they could be a danger to themselves or others while at work;
  • co-operate with Serve The City with regard to all aspects of safety, health and welfare;
  • not engage in any improper conduct that could endanger their safety or health or that of anyone else.
  • make proper use of all machinery, tools, substances etc. and of all personal protective equipment provided for use at work; and
  • report any defects in the place of work, equipment etc. which might endanger safety and health.
  • participate in safety and health training offered by Serve The City.

This Safety Statement will be periodically reviewed in accordance with the requirements of the 2005 Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act.

2. Scope

This Safety Statement has been prepared specifically for Serve the City and includes the following:

  • An identification of hazards particular to the works carried out by the organization.
  • An assessment of the risks arising from these hazards and in particular any risks, which potentially puts staff/volunteers/clients or the general public at any undue risk.
  • Deciding on control measures to eliminate or reduce the risk from these hazards.
  • Details of the arrangements made and resources provided for securing safety health and welfare.
  • Details of the co-operation required from staff/volunteers in safety and health matters.
  • The names of persons responsible for safeguarding safety and health at the workplace.
  • The arrangements made for consultation with staff/volunteers on safety and health matters.
3. Statement of safety policy

The Safety Policy of Serve the City is:

That standards of Safety, Health and Welfare must be maintained at the highest level.

Serve the city recognizes the paramount importance of safeguarding the Health and Safety of staff/volunteers and the general public and that legislative compliance is the minimum standard acceptable and the aim must be to exceed this.

It will identify hazards, assess the risks and implement control measures to minimize any such risks.

Will ensure that staff/volunteers have received sufficient training in the safety, health and welfare aspects of their work and in compliance with legislation.

It is a legal requirement of Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, 2005 that all staff/volunteers co-operate together to prevent injury to themselves or others.

Serve the city will obtain, where necessary, the services of a competent person for the purpose of ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable, the safety, health and welfare of staff/volunteers and all who may be affected by its activities.

This policy will be implemented through co-operation between all staff/volunteers.

To review the contents of this Safety Statement as changes occur in this operation and periodically (annually), evaluated to ensure this document is relevant.

This Statement is distributed to all necessary personnel and shall be made available for inspection by staff/volunteers and all who may be affected by its activities at locations where this organization carries on business.

4. Organization

5. Responsibilities

5.1. Director

Show through their personal behavior that only the highest standards of safety are acceptable and be fully familiar with the Safety Statement.

To ensure so far as is reasonably practicable, the safety, health and welfare at work of all its volunteers and anyone who may be affected by its activities.

To provide and maintain a safe place of work for volunteers, safe means of access and egress to their place of work and ensure safe plant, equipment and machinery are provided and properly maintained.

Ensure and provide safe systems of work and that all tasks being carried out under their control are completed safely and without risk to health.  Maintain safe working conditions and practices by being alert to and immediately correcting unsafe conditions.

To provide appropriate information, training and supervision as is necessary to the Project Leaders to ensure the safety, health and welfare of the volunteers whilst at work. To ensure that all personnel recruited or assigned to each site is suitable for and competent to carry out the work on site.

Ensure First Aid training has been provided to Project Leaders.

To supply and supervise the correct use of suitable protective clothing and equipment where it is not reasonably practicable to eliminate hazards in the place of work.

To ensure safety and the prevention of risk to health at work in connection with the use of any article or substance.

To provide and maintain in good condition welfare facilities for volunteers.

Obtain where necessary the services of a competent person for the purpose of ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable the safety and health at work of their volunteers.

Ensure that the Safety Statement is communicated to and understood by all volunteers and anyone who may be affected by its activities.

Ensure that any accidents, near misses or dangerous occurrences are reported and investigated in a timely manner and corrective actions put in place to prevent any recurrence.  Ensure that the accident book is kept up to date.

5.2. City Leaders/Project Leaders

Be familiar with the Safety and Health Regulations and policy applicable to the work on which you are engaged and insist that the prescribed standards be observed.

Carry out a risk assessment and ensure so far as reasonably practicable that safe systems of work are in place.

Ensure that volunteers have been trained on the equipment they are using.

Insist that all volunteers wear high-viz clothing, safety footwear, gloves and safety glasses as is appropriate. Do not allow anyone to work without the necessary P.P.E.

Provide the necessary foul weather clothing as required.

Ensure that all equipment including power and hand tools are maintained in good condition.

Report defects in plant and equipment.

Ensure the safe handling and storage of all tools, equipment and materials.

Ensure that a First Aid box is provided, and properly maintained.

Ensure that the Safety Statement is communicated to the all volunteers and anyone who may be affected by its activities.

Ensure that Non Native English speakers comprehend the Safety Statement.

Ensure that they have undergone First Aid training.

Maintain all safety records, i.e. general register (accident record book).

Record and investigate all accidents with a view to preventing recurrence.

Lead by example and wear the safety equipment provided.

5.3. Volunteers

Take all precautions necessary to safeguard their own Safety and Health and that of their fellow staff/volunteers/clients and the general public as required by Section 13 of the 2005 Safety, Health & Welfare at work Act.

Familiarize themselves and comply with all safety policies and procedures;

To co-operate with their organization and any other person to such extent as will enable the organization or the other person to comply with any of the relevant statutory provisions.

To use correctly any safety equipment, personal protective clothing provided by the organization.

Make the Director/Project Leader aware of any situations, which they feel is dangerous, and to report any defects in equipment.

No person shall intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse any appliance, protective clothing, convenience or other items provided for securing safety, health and welfare at work.

To report any accidents to their Director/Project Leader.

Use the correct tools and equipment for the job, ensuring that all safety devices are operational.

Ensure that they do not carry out tasks, which they feel they are not competent, or which involves unreasonably high risks.

Make suggestions or raise concerns with regard to safety, health and welfare to their manager/foreman.

To observe all warning notices and instructions received and are aware of possible hazards.

Know the identity of the First Aider.

Know the location of the First Aid Kit.

Report all injuries to their Project Leader or Director immediately.

6. Consultations

Serve the City will consult the volunteers on matters of Health and Safety.

This consultation will be in the form of Toolbox Talks and informal discussions on Health and Safety.

Serve the City will act upon recommendations arising from these discussions.

Serve the City will ensure that the Safety Statement and the Health and Safety Policy have been communicated to all staff/volunteers by giving a copy to each member of staff/volunteers. Staff/volunteers will sign for their copy of the Safety Statement.

7. Health and Safety Resources

Serve the City is committed to provide at all times the resources necessary to ensure as far as is reasonably practicable the Safety, Health and Welfare of volunteers.

7.1. Safety Consultancy

Serve the City will when necessary engage the services of a competent person to advise on Safety and Health matters.

7.2. Safety Review

Serve the City will review Health and Safety Issues on an ongoing basis and seek advice from competent persons as required.

7.3. Welfare Facilities

Serve the City will provide the proper welfare facilities required for the safeguarding of Safety, Health and Welfare.

7.4. First Aid

Serve the City will provide First Aid Facilities and where practical they will have a trained First Aider available.

 7.5. Financial Resources

Serve the City are committed to provide, as far as is reasonably practicable, the financial resources necessary for safeguarding the health and safety of staff/volunteers.

Where finance is required for the elimination or control of hazards this will be provided.

Financial resources will be provided for Health and Safety Consultation as required.

7.6. Training

Serve the City volunteers will attend a safety induction course outlining the risks and hazards specific to general health and safety. Where required volunteers including organisation directors and managers will attend specific client induction courses as required.

All volunteers must complete a manual handling training course.

All attendees fill out a standard record form upon completion of any training course. These records will be held on file. Volunteers of the organization will obtain Solas (formerly FAS) Safe Pass training if required.

8. Hazard Identification

Section 19 (1) of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 specifies that:

Every organisation shall identify the hazards in the place of work under his or her control, assess the risks presented by those hazards and be in possession of a written assessment (to be known and referred to in this Act as a “risk assessment”) of the risks to the safety, health and welfare at work of his or her volunteers, including the safety, health and welfare of any single employee or group or groups of volunteers who may be exposed to any unusual or other risks under the relevant statutory provisions.”

A Risk Assessment will be carried out by the Project Leader before any work commences on any Serve The City site. A project template with a checklist for various the various types of projects organised by Serve The City, shall be used. In the event of any repeat Serve Days at the same site, an assessment will be carried out in the event of any change of circumstances which would affect Health and Safety.

8.1. Safe access/egress

All will be able to reach their place of work safely, i.e. good roads, passageways.

All walkways should be free from obstruction.

Holes and openings will be securely fenced off or securely fixed covers will be provided.

Adequate artificial lighting will be provided when work is carried on after dark.

Where necessary to protect members of the public while working. Traffic cones, hard barriers or barrier tape will be deployed.

8.2. Violence while at work

Risk of Physical Injury from:

  • Aggressive behaviour and physical violence in areas where workers have direct interface with members of the public.

When faced with a member of the public behaving in an aggressive manner:

  • Remain calm, breathe easily and tell yourself to relax.
  • Step back from the situation and think.
  • Speak slowly and calmly, do not raise your voice.
  • Smile and try not to take things personally.
  • Reason with the person.
  • Call in a colleague or work partner.
  • Adopt a non aggressive posture.
  • Don’t get into a shouting match.
  • Don’t get physically involved.
  • Don’t be afraid to tell the person you do not have to put up with aggressive behaviour.

If you feel the situation cannot be resolved or is getting out of hand call or get a colleague to contact the Gardai.

8.3. Safe use of tools and equipment

Work Equipment is all equipment provided for use at work, some of which will be governed by regulatory inspection requirements.

Identify the work equipment that requires regular inspection and identify the main hazards associated with the equipment.

No person should attempt to use tools/equipment for which they have not received training in the safe use of that tool.

All tools/equipment should be visually inspected daily to check for obvious damage or defects.

Ensure safe system of work is in place to regularly inspect tools and equipment and provide the necessary maintenance or system of exchange when required. Records of the scheme shall be maintained by the organisation.

Typical Safety Hazards:

  • Electrical tools with damaged cables.
  • Wrong power supply used with the tool or equipment.
  • Guards broken and not in place.
  • Excessive worn or damaged parts.
  • Using the wrong tool or equipment for the task.
  • Incorrect storage of tools or equipment.
  • Temporary repairs carried out.
  • Failure of the safety system i.e. brakes.

8.4. Electricity

All portable electric tools and lighting will be maintained in good working order.

Where transformers are to be used, they will be placed at the power source.

Equipment and cables will be checked for damage before use or connection to a live current supply.  Only registered RECI electricians will be permitted to carry out any electrical work on behalf of Serve The City.

Screened cables and E.L.C.B. protection will be provided where necessary.

Proper plugs will make all connections to power points.

Connections to plugs will be properly made so that the cable grip holds the cable firmly and prevents the earth from being pulled out.

All electrical connections used outdoors will conform to IP55 Standards.

8.5. Compound tidiness

Clear up waste materials as work proceeds and dispose of correctly.

Keep materials and items in their correct location until required and, if relevant, return then when finished.

Keep access clear at all times.

Clean up spillages immediately and dispose of waste correctly.

Keep welfare facilities clean and do not use them for storage.

Keep areas around plant and machinery clean and tidy.

Ensure electrical leads are routed so as to avoid tripping hazards and they are protected from physical damage.

8.6. Fire safety


Sites and or equipment will have the right number and type of fire extinguishers, and must be positioned in correct places.

There will be adequate escape routes.

Workers will be instructed on emergency procedures.

Flammable Liquids

Flammable liquid will be kept to a minimum for 5 day’s work.

Smoking will be prohibited and other ignition sources kept away from flammable liquids.

Properly constructed safety containers will be used, have proper labels and locked in secure storage area.

The following are the procedures to be adopted in the event of a fire:

  • Raise alarm.
  • Call the Fire Brigade.
  • Designate persons to check the area is completely evacuated.
  • Deploy fire extinguishers at strategic points throughout.
  • Fire party attack fire, without personal risk to fire party.
  • Evacuate area without delaying to collect personal belongings.
  • Never return to area for any reason.
  • Proceed quickly and safely to the designated assembly point.
  • Conduct roll call as soon as possible.
  • Ensure clear assess for the Fire Brigade.
  • Advise the Fire Officer of the situation on his arrival.
  • Co ordinate all emergencies with main contractor on site.

8.7. Noise

High noise level is defined as:

  • A continuous, steady sound level of 80dB(A) or more is the first action level. At this level information must be provided, training and instruction given and hearing protection made available for use.
  • A continuous, steady sound level exceeding 85dB(A) is the second action level. At this level hearing protection is mandatory, and reduce the risk wherever and whenever possible.

Volunteers will wear ear protection if they have to work in very noisy surroundings.

8.8. Dust/vapour/mist

Any excess dust/vapour/mist can be harmful, ranging from skin irritation to respiratory problems with possible long-term health problems.


  • Nature of hazard.
  • Measured concentrations
  • Period of exposure
  • Vision
  • Communications
  • Confined spaces
  • Personal suitability

8.9. Respiratory Protective Equipment

Training in the use of equipment must be given.

Stored in a clean, well-ventilated place.

Disposable facemask appropriate to the type of hazard etc.

8.10. Signs and barriers

Signs and barriers are erected to prevent unintentional or accidental access into a restricted area. To identify areas and the correct and safe use of safety Signs, Fixed Barriers and Temporary Barrier Tape.

Typical Safety Hazards:

Personnel entering a restricted area, Fixed Barriers being temporarily removed, then not replaced.  Tape barriers used where fixed barriers are required. Temporary barriers remaining for long periods. Barriers fitted with no signs.

Ensure that all their volunteers and others that may be affected by their work are adequately informed about the hazards and risks associated with the work, systems shall be in place to ensure that Signs and Barriers that are erected or posted are adhered to.

8.11. Manual handling

If manual handling operations cannot be avoided or minimised, either by automation (teleporter, pallet trucks etc) or re-designing, then the following steps should be followed:

  • Identify, prior to commencing operations work that will involve either heavy lifting or awkward loads or repetitive lifting operations.
  • Identify hazard, e.g. awkward load, physical ability/condition of employee, unsuitable floor area or ground conditions and need for PPE.  Would it create a hazard to those who may be reasonably considered to have a health problem?

Correct procedures include:

  • Size up load, check weight, and remove possible hazards e.g. sharp edges.
  • Watch for traps against other objects. (Pinch points).
  • A load must never be stacked above chest height.
  • One person must be in charge of team lifting to observe the full operation.
  • Relax and bend knees, take up a broad base.
  • Take up a correct grip, firm and with both hands.
  • Raise head keep chin in.
  • Keep back straight.
  • Keep arms and elbows close to body.
  • Stand-up keeping back straight, with load close to body.
  • If load is awkward get help lifting it.
  • If two people are lifting a load, make sure the load is lifted together.

These provisions apply for setting down a load as well.

Appropriate instructions and safe systems of work will be devised for specific tasks of moving items, putting down items and loading as demand requires.

8.12. Working at height

In all cases the Working at Height Regulations 2007 will be adhered to. Working at height means working in a place (except a staircase in a
permanent workplace) where a person could be injured by falling from it, even if it is at, or below ground level. Serve The City Insurance cover is restricted to working below a height of 10 meters (32 Feet)

Serve The City will ensure that:

  1. All work at height is properly planned, organised, supervised and carried out
  2. The place where work at height is done is safe;
  3. All work at height takes account of weather conditions;
  4. Those involved in work at height are instructed and trained;
  5. Equipment for working at height (e.g. Ladders) is appropriately inspected;
  6. The risks from fragile surfaces are properly controlled; and injury from falling objects is prevented.

8.13. Harassment and bullying

Stress & Harassment at Work:

Serve the City is committed to providing all of its volunteers with an environment free from harassment and stress.  All volunteers will be expected to comply with this policy and management will take appropriate measures to ensure that harassment does not occur.  Appropriate disciplinary action, including dismissal for serious offences, will be taken against any employee who violates this policy.  The policy applies to volunteers both in the workplace and at work associated events such as meetings and works parties, whether on the premises or off site.  The policy applies to harassment not only by fellow volunteers but also by a client, customer or other business contact to which an employee might reasonably expect to come into contact with in the course of their employment.

 8.14. Weil’s disease (Leptospirosis)

Exposure to mouse or rat urine can occur via drains or contaminated river/sewer water. Workers working on or near drains could be exposed. They must exercise good personal hygiene by either washing their hands or wearing suitable protective gloves especially in instances of broken or damaged skin. Serve The City Staff/Volunteers should also check for visible evidence of the presence of rodents i.e. droppings as part of a risk assessment and prior to carrying out any work. Early symptoms of Weil’s Disease are non-specific (flu like) and may be misdiagnosed as a result.

8.15. Site security

At the end of each work period, all equipment will be immobilized.

Flammable or dangerous substances (Paints/Chemicals etc) will be either removed or put away in secure storage places. Appropriate warning signs will be displayed at works area when necessary.

9. Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences

9.1. Accident reporting

Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences must be reported immediately to Serve the City.

Details of the Accident will be recorded in the Accident Book.

If injury occurred as a result of the accident that necessitated the injured party to be absent from work for more than three days then it is the duty of Serve the City to inform the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) by filling in and returning the IR 1 form.


  • Accident – Unplanned unwanted event.
  • First Aid Injury – A minor injury that requires treatment by a first aid trained person.
  • Medical Treatment Injury – An injury that requires treatment by a medically trained person (nurse or doctor).
  • One Day Lost Time Injury – An injury that results in the person being absent for the one day (but does not include the day of the accident).
  • Three Day Lost Time Injury – An injury that results in the person being absent from work for more than 3 days following the accident (but does not include the day of the accident).
  • Incident – An accident that results in damage to equipment or property but does not result in injury to personnel.
  • Near Miss – An accident that results in an event (such as a falling object) but no damage to equipment, property or injury occurs.
  • Dangerous Occurrence – An incident that is so serious that one or more personnel could have been seriously injured and is prescribed by legislation.
  • HSA – Health and Safety Authority (Ireland).

9.2. Accident investigation

As soon as possible after the Accident/Incident an investigation will be carried out by Serve the City and a competent person.

The purpose of the investigation will be to:

  • Determine the cause of the accident.
  • Identify any other contributory factors.
  • Determine the steps to be taken to prevent re-occurrence.
10. Safety Statement Revision

The Annual Report shall contain a review of Serve the City’s Safety Policy for the preceding year which will comply the Safety, health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 and will also include in the Report any recommendations for reviewing and upgrading the Safety Statement and Programme with provision in the organization budget for same.

The following was attended to during the year:

This review will address the possible need for changes in policy, objectives, inclusion of new hazards or other elements of the Safety Statement in the light of the previous years experiences.

11. Hazard and Risk Assessment

A Hazard and Risk Assessment is carried out and forms the bases on which this Safety Statement was written.  The Hazard & Risk Assessment report is intended as a guide, which the organization may use for the purposes of attempting to reduce the possibility of accidents or ill health occurring.

Taking into account the constraints of time and resources, every effort has been made to identify the existing hazards and recommend possible solutions.  It is not reasonably practicable to expect to state all hazards or that all other hazards are under control at the time of preparing this safety statement & risk assessment.

This Hazard & Risk Assessment is a non-exhaustive list of hazards is to be advisory and the final decisions must be made by the manager of the organization.

The Risk Assessment is based on the combination of the SEVERITY and LIKELIHOOD associated with each hazard.

Hazard:                                Is taken to mean “anything that can cause harm”.

RISK:                      Is “the chance, great or small, that someone will be harmed by the hazard”.

SEVERITY:            Is the possible outcome of an accident/incident, e.g. broken leg, fatality, explosion.

LIKELIHOOD:      What is the possibility of the accident/incident occurring?

In the Risk Assessment SEVERITY and LIKELIHOOD have been graded as follows:-


Major 3 High 3
Serious 2 Medium 2
Slight 1 Low 1

The Risk Factor is the multiple of Severity and Likelihood.


RISK is then graded as follows:

High Risk 7 – 9 H Possibility of a single fatality or serious injury or of minor injury to a number of people.  Possibility of significant material loss.
Medium Risk 4 — 6 M Possibility of minor injury to a small number of people.  Risk of some material loss.  The possibility of fatality or serious injury or significant material loss is unlikely although conceivable.
Low Risk 1 – 3 L The possibility of injury or material loss is unlikely, although conceivable.

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