• How did you find out about STC
  • Which STC City do you wish to volunteer with
  • Note under 18s may volunteer with a parent / guardian / responsible adult where suitable with Serve the City however we do not hold data on minors
  • So STC can try offer volunteering opportunities close to the area where you work
    so we can provide for social inclusion and positive cross-cultural experience etc. If mainly EU nationals working with you then enter "Other EU 28"
  • Leave blank if English otherwise answer your native language
  • If signing up on behalf of a corporate/business please provide the following details

  • Possibly professional or otherwise
    (no commitment just an estimate)



General Data Protection Regulation (effective 28 May 2018)

Your data submitted on the above forms, will be used for the specific purpose. STC may also use it for general communication and awareness of our work. By submitting these forms, you are giving STC permission to use and store your personal data in a secure manner, which preserves your privacy. Personal data will be held on our Salesforce system and accessed by our authorised users.

Please also refer to our Data Protection Policy on this site.

STC has been preparing for the GDPR and is committed to its core principles. For further details about your data protection rights, please see www.dataprotection.ie/docs/GDPR/1623.htm.

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